Electronic Vertical Jump Testers like Force Plates, Force Decks and Jump Mats

Electronic Vertical Jump Testers like Force Plates, Force Decks and Jump Mats

Electronic Vertical Jump Equipment like Force Plates, Force Decks and Jump Mats

Mechanical Testers or Electronic Testers?

 What is the difference between the Jump Mats and The Top Hopper?

Jump mats can only measure a sargent vertical jump (no running jumps). Jump mats measure air time, which is the time the athletes feet leave the mat until they return. Then it computes a vertical jump height based on your weight and ground forces. The main attraction to mats is because they are lightweight and portable.  Our trainers hate them because athletes distort there body so their feet delay hitting the mat when they land from jumping.  This leads to an inaccurate, higher vertical jump.  Simply put....athletes know how to cheat using jump mats.  The Top Hopper vertical jump systems are very accurate, which is why combines everywhere are switching to it.  The only way to cheat the measurement is to not reach as high as you can when getting your standing reach height. 

Also, most athletes jump higher when their is a target above them. 

The costs are very similar.

What is the difference between the Force Plates / Force Decks and The Top Hopper?

Force plates can cost $3,000 - $5,000 for the plates.  You also need to pay $2,000 - $5,000 annually for the software and data.  Force Plates can only measure a sargent vertical jump (no running jumps).  However, they provide you much more data than just vertical jump height.  The vertical jump calculation uses data collected during the jump to calculate jump height.  There are two heavy plates used, one for each foot.  Since they are raised off the ground, most trainers pay for the mat that goes around them, so athletes don't injure themselves when they land.  The most common brands are VALD and Hawkins Dynamics.  Our trainers think every trainer and coach should have force plates because they can be used to optimize the athlete's jump height.  They feel force plates and The Top Hopper make a great combination.  Since force plates calculations for vertical jump height is always lower than actuals, a TH500 will give the trainer all the data they need. The Top Hopper vertical jump systems are very accurate, which is why combines use it and not force plates.  

Also, most athletes jump higher when their is a target above them.

Force Plates are very expensive and may not be worth buying.

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How much do Hawkins dynamics force plates cost?

Force plates can cost between $4,000 and $8,000. You also have to pay around $2000 every year for the annual subscription.

Are force plates a good vertical jump measuring tool?

Force plates don't measure vertical jump heights. Force plates calculate vertical jump heights based on inputs during the jump, which result in inaccurate jump height "measurements".

Is a jump mat a good vertical jump measuring tool?

Jump mats don't measure vertical jump heights. Jump mats calculate vertical jump heights based on inputs during the jump, which result in inaccurate jump height "measurements".