Vertical Jump Information
The vertical jump test is the most widely used and the most important assessment of lower body power and explosiveness. The height of an athlete’s vertical jump is synonymous to their athleticism. Athletes, trainers, coaches and recruiters know how important the ability to jump high is. This is why athletes spend a lot of time trying to maximize the height of their vertical jump. The Top Hopper is designed specifically for progressively and repetitively challenging an athlete’s ability to maximize his/hers vertical jump and fast twitch muscle capabilities. Athletes purchase a variety of equipment like jump shoes, weight lifting equipment, and often hire personal trainers to help them increase the height of the vertical jump. So, each athlete needs a measuring device to accurately measure the height of their vertical jump…….The Top Hopper!!!
It is simple. If an athlete can jump high then they are athletic. If the athlete is a “Top Hopper” then they are very athletic and will most likely excel at their sport. Athletes are always looking for ways to gain a competitive advantage and boost their athletic performance. Every athlete would like to know the height of their vertical jump. Their goal from there is to increase the height of their vertical jump through precise training and exercise. The Top Hopper is the best device to measure and track improvements.
There are 3 main reasons why an athlete’s vertical jump is important.
- Determine how high an athlete can jump with a sport specific technique
- Basketball – Dunking the basketball, blocking a shot, height of a jump shot, stealing a pass, rebounding
- Volleyball – Spiking, blocking
- Football – Catching a pass, defending a pass, hurdling a would be tackler
- Track – High jump, triple jump, hurdles, sprints
- Measure the progress and impact training is having on an athlete
- Help identify loss of performance due to fatigue
This measuring system is designed specifically for progressively and repetitively challenging an athlete’s ability to maximize his/hers vertical jump.
Don't take our word for it. Just search the internet and look how many reputable organizations are saying how important the height of an athlete's vertical jump is. It is true. So, what are you doing about it? Get The Top Hopper today!!!